Admission to Reception/F2 for September 2025
If you wish to make application to St Theresa’s for Reception for September 2025 then you will need to contact the school office and they will advise you what to do (once the process opens in November).
PLEASE NOTE: The process of admissions for September 2024 is NOW COMPLETE and offer letters were sent out in April 2024. If you are new to the area and need advice please contact Mrs Clark in the school office on 0113 2930240.
The application process for September 2025 is also explained below.
We are a voluntary aided school and the admission authority is the Governing Body and the Diocese of Leeds.
The school’s admission authority sets the admission policy every year. You can read our school’s admission polices below: (Note to school: you must list all 3 policies that apply. Add hyperlinks to an accessible word/pdf of policy itself or a webpage)
In-year applications to start at our school between September 2024 and July 2025
St Theresa School Boundary map
Applications for reception places in September 2025
Applications for reception places in September 2026 – read our 2026/27 policy [and SIF] - this will be available from 15.3.25
How to apply for a September 2025 reception place
If you are applying for a reception place for September 2025, all applications are made in advance. The national closing date is 15 January 2025. Offers are made by the Local Authority on national offer day (16 April 2025).
Our Published Admission Number (PAN) is 60 and this is the number of places the school can admit in reception in 2025.
You must apply to the local authority who empties your bins. If this is Leeds, go to The LA website is a composite prospectus for all Leeds schools and includes information about:
- all the steps you need to go through to make an application
- the key dates
- a search tool to see if your home address gives any higher priority for admission to any school(s)
- an explanation about how places are offered if there are more applications than spaces (oversubscribed)
- the online application portal - apply online to be sent your offer day letter by email
- a summary of each school’s individual admission policy criteria
- data about who got a place in the last 3 years - this will help you work out if there is a reasonable chance of your child qualifying for a place.
- information about applying under a specific admission criteria (such as your child being previously looked after). It is important to ensure you submit all supporting evidence by the deadline to show you meet any such criteria.
If you are applying for admission under our faith criteria, you will need to send to our school (not the local authority) a competed Supplementary Information Form (SIF). We need to receive this by 15th January 2025.
You also need to make an application to the local authority asking for a place at our school. You do this online at the above link. If you do not send the application to the local authority, you will not have made a valid application for a place at our school.
Please follow the criteria for admissions using the policy below:
The over-subscription criteria is published in the above policy - every year we are over-subscribed.
You must also complete the Supplementary Information Form (SIF) which is explained lower down on this page:
Application Procedures and Timetable
Failure to provide a Common Preference Form (CPF) would mean that the application is not valid and failure to provide a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) could mean that the applicant is placed in the last criteria.
Parents can apply from around the 1 November 2023 either online through the Local Authority’s website at or by filling in a Common Preference Form (CPF) available from the Local Authority.
- IF YOU DO NOT APPLY ONLINE then the paper form (the CPF) must be completed and returned to the Local Authority Admissions Team by the 15 January 2024 at: (see below for information about the SIF!)
Children’s Services,
Leeds City Council
PO BOX 837,
The Supplementary Information Form (SIF) which is available from the School Office or the local authority website should be submitted by January 15th 2024 to the Head Teacher, St. Theresa’s Catholic Primary School, Barwick Road, Leeds, LS15 8RQ.
Parents or carers will be advised of the outcome of their applications in April 2024. Unsuccessful applicants will be given reasons related to the over-subscription criteria listed above and advised of their right of appeal to and independent appeal panel. Leeds City Council will manage our Admission Appeals and will appoint an independent panel to review the case.
The SIF:
It is also absolutely essential that you complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) too as this gives the school vital information needed for our over-subscription criteria (listed in the above policy) should be we need to apply it. SIFs are essential to be able to rank the available places fairly and accurately using the over-subscription criteria. Without a SIF your child will automatically be categorised as ‘other’.
Just to be VERY clear… your child is NOT categorised as being a Catholic unless they are actually baptised by a Catholic priest (or Deacon) in a Catholic church and have a valid Catholic baptism certificate. It does not matter if the rest of the family is baptised, if your child isn’t, then they are not categorised as being Catholic and will be classed as ‘other’ on the over-subscription criteria. This has caused a lot of upset for traditionally Catholic families in recent times which is why we are mentioning it here. Admissions to Nursery is also different to admission to Main School and does not influence the allocation of places to Main School.
You must RETURN the SIF to SCHOOL once it is completed.
A copy of the SIF can be downloaded from here:
(The completed SIF MUST be returned to school ASAP along with proof of baptism if your child is a baptised Catholic).